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Your reliable WordPress

Trusted white label developer for WordPress agencies

Below are some demo websites I have created as part of my WordPress portfolio. These samples showcase my skills and expertise in web development using WordPress.
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fse pactorweb tablet pre
fse pactorweb mobile pre
albalda grocery store desktop pre
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albalda grocery store mobile pre
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golden barber shop mobile pre
mohsine benzidane carpentry desktop pre
mohsine benzidane carpentry tablet pre
mohsine benzidane carpentry mobile pre
ik massage therapy desktop pre
ik massage therapytablet pre
ik massage therapy mobile pre
Profile Image

A hired hand with a track record of getting things done™

Mohammed Amanhad

The person who truly cares about bringing your WordPress builds to life. While I may approach things with a light-hearted attitude, I understand that your success is just as important to me as it is to you, and I take full responsibility for delivering the results you desire.

How I help digital agencies grow their WordPress business

My mission is to make it easy for your agency to create websites for your clients. I make sure your clients get exactly what they ask for without ever having to speak to me.

My WordPress services

Design and Development

Crafting visually stunning WordPress websites, either by customizing existing themes or creating them from scratch.

Content Management

Creating and organizing content using advanced WordPress features such as Custom Post Types and Custom Fields to enhance the website’s capabilities.

E-Commerce Development

Integrating an E-Commerce solution, like WooCommerce into WordPress websites to allow online sales.

Speed and Performance Optimization

Identifying and addressing performance issues, such as slow loading times and high bounce rates, for a faster, smoother, and more efficient user experience.

Security Setup

Offering protection against hacking, malware, and other security threats. Along with setting up firewalls and SSL certificates.

Maintenance and Support

Providing ongoing updates, security checks, bug fixes, and technical support for optimal performance.


Delivering a powerful and scalable hosting solution, with fast load times, robust security, and expert support available 24/7 for the best possible website uptime.

Migration to a New Hosting Provider

Ensuring a secure and quick transfer to a new hosting environment with no downtime or data loss.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Boosting search engine ranking, traffic, and online growth. With customized keyword research, content creation, link building, and analytics tracking.

Backup and Restore

Setting up regular backups and providing recovery in case of data loss or website crashes.

How I collaborate with digital agencies from start to finish

If you work with me on a project-by-project basis, you will be following a process that I designed to ensure high quality work and a seamless collaborative experience.

My white label process

I collect your specifications

Each project begins with collecting and discussing the materials needed to design and develop the website.

Ideally, I’d like to receive:

1⌋ Adobe XD, Photoshop, Figma, or Sketch file(s).

2⌋ Detailed instructions for functionality and UI/UX elements.

3⌋ Any specific requirements or desires regarding the construction of the website.

I quote your project

After examining the design file(s), I will send a quote within one business day. Once I obtain approval and necessary credentials, I will be ready to start.

I design and develop your website.

The final design file(s) are provided, alternatively finalized by me and approved by you. This is also the time to provide any additional information/content like a sitemap, functional spec or copy and image content. Then I will work on the project until it is ready for initial QA review.

I deliver your website

I will check and fix the website as needed, gather feedback from you, and perform final quality assurance before deploying the website live on your hosting environment.

Often asked

It’s hard to say for sure whether or not I can help. At least until I get some of your project details, I’ll be upfront in the estimate if I’m not the right fit or if additional expertise is required.

Project costs vary depending on the scope of work. Submit a budget, and I’ll let you know if I can work with it.

I am available for hourly work, and the price will vary depending on the difficulty of the task(s) and how close the deadline is or how urgent the request is.

I want to be the best that I can be at what I do. That’s why all I do is WordPress. I use the power and flexibility of WordPress, a CMS powering 40% of existing websites.

In order to provide you with a quote, it’s enough to send me an InVision link or jpg files, but you can also send me an Adobe XD, Photoshop, Figma, or Sketch files.

I’m afraid not. Graphic design is not within my scope of expertise. I would recommend that you seek out a graphic design specialist instead.

Absolutely, I’d be happy to connect you with some graphic designers through email or Twitter. Additionally, if you’re a graphic designer searching for a WordPress development partner, feel free to contact me.